Saturday, March 19, 2011


Coco Solid is my fave NZ rapper and also my Number 1 Love-Life Confidante. We have been (knowingly) having mirror epifs since 2008 and both have funny feelings we are in for some cosmic collabs in future. Last weekend when I was in Auckland my other friend was going to a wedding so she dropped the kids off at nana's then me off at Coco's to stay the night. I got to meet her herb dealer and found out that the King of Herbs is in fact, Basil.

Here is a beautiful poem from her new mag PHILOSOFLYGIRL which you can order here. It brings a tear to my eyes.


The real elite are never elitist.
On my behalf only, I decline the matter they feed us.
Know my quest was relative to yours, to the grave from the fetus.
I own up to lost property, I am not a defeatist.

I know my own style. I live wise-awake to my taste.
Now silent beauty emerges at the extroverts wake.
I make proud but fragile moves within my own time.
My finest moments are my weakest, slain in existential recline.
Aroha pono can burst forth when vanity proves pointless to shine.

Not only yours, dynamic plights shift behind a trillion masks
I don't ask you to answer what I have asked.
You're not mine to solder to my clutch
But to be kept in circulation

And like warm zen minutes
I allow you to pass

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